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Simshine Simcam Attended Intel AI Devcon 2018 in Beijing

2018-11-16 09:42:49

November 15, 2018 - Beijing, China

Intel host the first AI Devcon (AIDC) from November 14-15, 2018 at the China World Summit Wing in Beijing. Attendees invited by Intel included some of China’s big tech giants such as Alibaba, Tencent, and DJI. Simshine Simcam was also invited to display its latest AI camera for smart home at the conference as Intel’s only representative in the AI home sector.

AIDC is the world-class AI conference which brought together over 2,000 AI experts, industry leaders, data architects, and technical engineers. The conference showcased cutting-edge solutions, products, technological applications, as well as new ideas, trends, opportunities related to AI. The purpose of AIDC is to build the world’s top platform that every data scientists, developers, and practitioners can access.

At the conference, Intel unveiled the Neural Compute Stick 2, a thumb drive which contains Intel's Movidius Myriad X VPU, a vision processing unit designed to effectively carry out computer vision and image recognition on edge network devices. Developers can bring artificial intelligence to all kinds of gadgets including smart cameras, robots, drones, and other home devices. The Intel NCS 2 affordably speeds the development of deep neural networks inference applications while delivering a performance boost over its predecessor.

The Intel Movidius is the core brain power of Simshine Simcam AI camera which takes pride in its speedy performance and superb accuracy of image recognition. Also, that’s the critical element that enables developers to train new deep learning models and generate new applications on Simshine Simcam.